Monthly Archives: August 2018

The 0.99 vs 1.01 Rule

A few days ago I stumbled upon an Italian article that talked about a mathematical formula for success (or failure). It gave me a lot of motivation, so I thought it would have been a nice idea to share start my blog with. Maybe it will motivate you as well 🙂

The formula is very simple, and it’s also called “the 0.99 vs 1.01 rule.”

Here’s a simple explanation:

  • 1,01 365 = 37,78. Let’s assume that your current situation equals 1.
    If starting from today, you try improve by only 1% daily in one of your life areas, after 365 days the outcome would be huge.
    In other words, in one year you would be almost 38 times better than today in what you do. That’s an exponential improvement. And the formula can be applied to any area of your life, in your job or your hobbies for example.
  • 0,99 365 = 0,03. Following the same reasoning, if every day in a certain area of your life you put 1% less effort, you would get from 1 to almost 0, in one year.

Shocking, isn’t it? But how can you put a math formula into practice?

The trick here is to focus on your habits and on small daily improvements, here’s a few rules:

  1. Focus on your daily results, and remember that daily small improvements will take you to exponential improvement;
  2. Be positive;
  3. Wake up early and at the same time;
  4. Introduce a good habit every week;
  5. Break bad habits;
  6. Every time you break a bad habit, replace it with a good one;
  7. Meditate;
  8. Work out;
  9. Don’t procrastinate;
  10. Learn to put yourself in other people’s shoes;
  11. Read/Write daily, even a little. It stimulates the brain and improved analytical ability, helps in gaining knowledge and knowledge is undeniably, a man’s biggest possession;
  12. Never expect overnight success: every achievement takes hard work.

And you? How do you think you can improve every day? Is there any good habit you recommend?